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Research interests:
Community-engaged participatory research, research methods in social relations, environment and behavior, community development, social equity, farmworkers in eastern North Carolina, access to services, quality of life, housing, planning technology with visualization, Applied GIS, interdisciplinary research



Peer-Reviewed Publications:

  • Hur, M., Didericksen, K. W., Chun, B., Bellamy, R. W., & Rocha-Peralta, J. (2024). H-2A migrant farmworkers' housing visibility and mental health in eastern North Carolina. Journal of Rural Mental Health. 

  • Chun, B. Hur, M., & Thapa, J. (2024). Greening Strategy to reduce thermal inequity of the Legacy Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC): Houston, TX. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

  • Grasso, K., Wasklewicz, T., & Hur, M. (2022). Informing zoning ordinance decision-making with the aid of probabilistic debris flow modeling. Geohazards VIII, 605-611.

  • Chun, B., Hur, M., & Won, J. (2021). Impacts of Thermal Environments on Health Risk: A Case Study of Harris County, Texas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18, 5531. * Equal contribution between Chun and Hur. 

  • Jun, H-J. & Hur, M. (2015). The relationship between walkability and neighborhood social environment: The importance of actual and perceived walkability. Applied Geography, 62, 115-124. * Equal contribution.

  • Hur, M., Li, Y., & Terzano, K. (2015). Breaking the chain: Understanding association between foreclosure intensity and neighborhood satisfaction. Applied Geography, 58, 7-17.

  • Hur, M. & Seo, W. (2014). Home warranty system in the United States. Policy Review for Urban Planning and Real Estate, 2(1), 53-67 (in Korean with English abstract).

  • Hur, M. & Bollinger, A. (2014). Neighborhood associations and their strategic actions to enhance residents' neighborhood satisfaction. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 1-21.

  • Hur, M. & Nasar, J. L. (2014). Physical upkeep, perceived upkeep, fear of crime, and neighborhood satisfaction. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 38, 186-194.

  • Hur, M., Nasar, J. L. & Chun, B. (2010). Neighborhood satisfaction, physical and perceived naturalness and openness. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, 52-59.

  • Hur, M. & Morrow-Jones, H. (2008). Factors that influence residents’ satisfaction with neighborhoods. Environment & Behavior, 40(5), 619-635. * Won the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Student Full-length Paper Award. Featured in the Ohio State University Research News.

  • Chin, Y., Hur, M., &Hong, Y. (2000). Meaning of the conventional market place derived from the merchant’s point of view. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture, 28(1), 118-128. (in Korean)

  • Chin, Y. & Hur, M. (1999). A qualitative analysis toward the urbanlife using Chungryangri residents’ DLR (Daily Life Records) data. Journal of Urban Sciences at the University of Seoul, 25(1), 175-192. (in Korean)

  • Hur, M. & Zoh, K. (1997). Iconography and Iconology as interpretative frameworks of gardens: with references to Villa Lante and Stourhead. Journal of Korean Traditional Landscape Garden Society, 15(2), 53-61. (in Korean)

  • Hur, M., & Chin, Y. (1996). GIS-oriented measurement indices of accessibility of neighborhood parks in Seoul. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture, 24(3), 42-56. (in Korean)

  • Choi, K., Kim, H., Chin, Y., Chin, S., & Hur, M. (1995). A study on the facilities distribution based on the choice model of the outdoor leisure facilities in a neighborhood units of the Megalopoliscitizens. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture, 23(1), 123-139. (in Korean)

  • Choi, K., Kim, Y., Kim, S., & Hur, M. (1994). A study on the facilities distribution based on the choice model of the outdoor leisure facilities in a neighborhood units of Seoul. Journal of the Institute of Metropolitan Studies, 20(1), 41-66. (in Korean)



Other Publications:


  • Making the Invisibles VIsible (13.5MB) - Final project report (2017)

  • Hur, M. (2008). Redefining roles: Flipping a class for computer application instruction. (Pedagogy paper) * Read it at Researchgate.

  • Hur, M. (2014). Non-additional infrastructure methods: Based on interviews with permanent residents. In J. Wilck (P.I.). What level of tourism traffic should be planned for in NC’s major tourism areas? Professional Report submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation.

  • Hur, M. (2007, May). e-interview with Jack L. Nasar: Environment-Behavior Research and Planning in Quality of Life. Planning & Policy, 96-107. (in Korean and in English)

  • Seoul Metropolitan Government (2002). Ten Million Trees: Making a Livable City (M. Hur, Trans.). Seoul, South Korea: Seoul Metropolitan Government. (in Korean and in English



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© 2015 by Misun Hur

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