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Housing Market Analysis: Jones County, NC

Formed in 1779, Jones County is located in the coastal plain region of North Carolina, neighboring Craven, Duplin, Lenior, Onslow, and Carteret Counties. The following report analyzes factors including economic conditions, population and household statistics, rental market, and the impact of COVID-19 in a rural, Eastern North Carolina County. Rural counties tend to be categorized as limited opportunity areas. Jones County prides itself on its rural character; however, with a shrinking population, new opportunities must be discovered to shrink the rather high poverty rates Jones County endures. This report hopes to outline factors attributing to the current housing market to grasp potential improvements as we advance.


Economic Conditions by Greg Feldman


Due to its rural character, Jones County struggles with attracting new industry. Nearly three-quarters of residents in Jones County travel outside the county for work. In addition to limited opportunities within Jones County, poverty struggles are evident.

Jones County Rental Housing Market Analysis by Madeline Lipscomb


Welcome to the PLAN 4025 podcast! In today’s episode, we will be analyzing the rental housing market of Jones County, North Carolina. Join us as we learn about Jones County’s demographic and economic trends and how they impact rental housing. What does Jones County’s rental housing look like, and who lives there? How does Jones County’s rental market hold up against state and national data? Find out here on the PLAN 4025 podcast!

COVID-19 & Rural Communities by John Nabers


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected different communities in different ways. Many assume rural America is better positioned to fight the viral outbreak than its urban counterpart, in some aspects, yes, but many aspects no. Rural communities statistically have higher rates of cigarette smoking, higher blood pressure, increased rates of obesity, less access to healthcare, and are less likely to have health insurance.

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